

For exploring
and basic testings
  •   5 Slots
  • ;   Follow Module
  • ;   Unfollow Module
  •   Human Emulation L1
  •   And a few other Basic Features
  •   Limited Support
  •   PAID set-up via Remote Desktop.
per month £19 £0

For exploring
and basic testings
  •   5 Slots
  • ;   Follow Module
  • ;   Unfollow Module
  •   Human Emulation L1
  •   And a few other Basic Features
  •   Limited Support
  •   PAID set-up via Remote Desktop.
per year £228 £0

For personal use and
hobby projects
  •   12 Slots
  •   Everything in Dabbler, PLUS:
  •   Likes Module
  •   Comments Module
  •   Reposting from 4kStogram
  •   Story-Likes Module
  •   Human Emulation L2
  •   Sending Cold DMs.
  •   Limited Support
  •   PAID set-up via Remote Desktop.
per month £79 £39

For personal use and
hobby projects
  •   12 Slots
  •   Everything in Dabbler, PLUS:
  •   Likes Module
  •   Comments Module
  •   Reposting from 4kStogram
  •   Story-Likes Module
  •   Human Emulation L2
  •   Sending Cold DMs.
  •   Limited Support
  •   PAID set-up via Remote Desktop.
per year £468 £351

For smaller team with
an agile lifestyle
  •     35 Slots
  •   Everything in Hobbyist, PLUS:
  •     Also Like & Comment After Follow
  •     Reposting module With 1k Scraping credits.
  •     [EXCLUSIVE] When Reposting, supports Hash modification of videos as well.
  •     [EXCLUSIVE] Human Emulation L3
  •     [EXCLUSIVE] Custom Human Typing Emulation Keyoard
  •     FREE set-up via Remote Desktop.
  •     24h Support
  •     And A Lot More ...
per month £199 £109

For smaller team with
an agile lifestyle
  •     35 Slots
  •   Everything in Hobbyist, PLUS:
  •     Also Like & Comment After Follow
  •     Reposting module With 1k Scraping credits.
  •     [EXCLUSIVE] When Reposting, supports Hash modification of videos as well.
  •     [EXCLUSIVE] Human Emulation L3
  •     [EXCLUSIVE] Custom Human Typing Emulation Keyoard
  •     FREE set-up via Remote Desktop.
  •     24h Support
  •     And A Lot More ...
per year £1308 £981

For large business and
biggest organizations
  •   80 Slots
  •   Everything in Startup, PLUS:
  •   10k Repost Scraping credits
  •   Also Follow, Like, Comment while sending Cold DMs.
  •   Shift Chat to General Tab after sending DMs
  •   Setting for Sharing of Posts from Provided Account to our Stories (+ to Highlights as well)
  •   Mass Story Tagging
  •   24h Support
  •   FREE set-up via Remote Desktop.
  •   And A Lot More ...
per month £299 £169

For large business and
biggest organizations
  •   80 Slots
  •   Everything in Startup, PLUS:
  •   10k Repost Scraping credits
  •   Also Follow, Like, Comment while sending Cold DMs.
  •   Shift Chat to General Tab after sending DMs
  •   Setting for Sharing of Posts from Provided Account to our Stories (+ to Highlights as well)
  •   Mass Story Tagging
  •   24h Support
  •   FREE set-up via Remote Desktop.
  •   And A Lot More ...
per year £2028 £1521

per month £2000 £499
  • Unlimited Slots
  • Everything In Enterprise
  • FREE set-up via Remote Desktop
  • And A Lot More
per month £5988 £4491
  • Unlimited Slots
  • Everything In Enterprise
  • FREE set-up via Remote Desktop
  • And A Lot More